Wednesday, October 10, 2012 came!

Yes the dreaded day of turning 27 has come and gone!
It only seemed fitting for such an occasion that I be sick the entire weekend...why not be 27 and miserable!

But thankfully to some awesome friends & family (and antibiotics) I was able to ditch the pity party and celebrate in style! I mean literal style...
Can someone say MICHAEL KORS?! Yes that is right, I have the BEST parents in the entire world! They gave me the prettiest Michael Kors wallet, and I gave them the Michael Kors dance! You know the dance that happens in the living room while holding the beloved bag...WHAT? You don't do that?!

Well just when I thought my day couldn't get any better, I found these babies on my front porch...
If you know me, I am a sucker for flowers! And I never get them, so needless to say I was pretty excited! There were so many other things that made my birthday fabulous, and spread the festivities throughout the entire weekend! There was Ice Cream, Homemade breakfast, Conference, Patriots Football Game, Pedicure, and Columbus Day (love my bank holidays!).

So here is a GIANT thank you to all of you who made my birthday amazing! I hardly thought about the fact that I am now officially closer to 30 than I am to 25! Gotta love those little facts...

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